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Registered Office
On 1st October 2009 the Companies Act 2006 came into force. The Companies Act 2006 introduced changes to the arrangements for inspecting a company’s register. Depending on the nature and situation of the company it may be obliged to keep up to 13 possible registers. These registers must either be held at the Registered Office Address (ROA), or at a Single Alternative Inspection Location (SAIL).

With this in mind Atex Business Solutions can act in this capacity to your benefit.

All UK companies are legally required to have a registered UK address. Companies must notify Companies House when they initially set up a SAIL address or if the SAIL address has moved. Once the SAIL address is set up the company can move some or all registers to the SAIL address by notifying Companies House. This is a new provision which gives the registrar the power to correct a document which appears to be incomplete or internally inconsistent before registering it. People who wish to take advantage of this provision must first agree to be contacted and to give the registrar whatever instructions are needed to correct the document.

The registered office will then be the address of the company to which Companies House letters and reminders will be sent. The registered address must be included on your business stationery. HMRC will also recognize and acknowledge your registered office.

Trading does not have to take place at your registered office address. If you choose our address then only official mail such as letters from Suppliers, Bank correspondence including Bank statements, letters from HMRC or Companies House will be processed here. If you do decide to make use of our registered office mail forwarding service, where we forward all general business mail, it is important to remember mail delivered to this address is processed as quickly as possible and where possible forwarded onto your chosen address within 48 hours of receipt. Please note we will not accept parcels.

Vat returns and correspondence can be addressed to our registered office; however you cannot register for VAT using our office. You must use your trading address. It will be deemed a criminal offence if you act to the contrary.

London Registered Office£240.00 per year
Mail forwarding service£20.00 per calendar month

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